Gifts That Your Kids Can Make!
/In the recent issue of Parents magazine, I shared some ideas for handmade gifts that kids can make for teachers, babysitters, family members, or anyone who deserves a little love…like these little felt cord-keepers are no-sew and easy to make! Get the full instructions and templates on Parents’ website! (The buttons are just decorative…they’re glued on!)
Transform glass bottles and jars from your recycle bin into color-blocked vases! Stamp on dots if you like with a pencil eraser or foam brush. Detailed instructions here.
Your kids can use multisurface acrylic paint and masking tape for the first layer.
Photo by Johnny Miller
That same multisurface paint will work for freezer paper-stenciling little canvas bags and pencil cases! Click here for the full instructions.
Photo by Johnny Miller
This idea was a twist on that craft idea that you may have seen around the internet where you have your child draw on white tissue paper and you wrap it around a plain candle and heat it with a hair dryer and the drawing melts to the candle (very cool!). For this version, your kid cuts colored tissue paper shapes, then you lay them on the candle, wrap with wax paper, and heat it (adult’s job). See here for the details!
Photo by Johnny Miller
I hope you’ll try some of these easy ideas with your kids at your own Santa’s workshop! Happy Holidays! x